
Partials and Dentures In Miami Beach, FL


What is a partial denture?

A partial denture is a dental appliance used in cases where the patient is missing several teeth, but either does not want a bridge or cannot have a bridge installed because there is inadequate support from surrounding teeth. This is a removable device which can be taken out of the mouth at night to give the gums a break from the contact, and for cleaning purposes. Patients will sometimes opt for a partial denture because it is a less expensive option than a bridge or any other solution.

Partial Dentures vs. Complete Dentures

The primary difference between these two dental appliances lies in the number of teeth which the patient is missing. If a patient is just missing a few teeth, then a partial denture would be an effective solution. However, in cases where the patient is missing all or most of the teeth, a complete denture is the better option.

Caring for your dentures

All dentures, whether full or partial, should be brushed at least once a day. For this process, they should be removed and cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush. A non-abrasive denture cleanser should be used to keep them clean and functional.

Everything You Need to Know About Partial Dentures

  Are There Alternatives to Dentures? – if you’ve only lost one tooth, a dental bridge is a viable option, because you’ll still have the adjacent teeth necessary to support a bridge. You can also have dental implants installed, even if you’re missing some or all of your teeth. An All-on-4 implant process can replace an entire arch of upper or lower teeth using just four dental implants.
  Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Dentures? – yes, dental insurance does cover the cost of dentures, or at least up to 50% of the cost. You would then be responsible for the remaining 50%.
  Will Eating With New Dentures Be Difficult? – most people go through a period of adjustment with new dentures, and after that they are usually able to eat almost anything.
  Will Dentures Change How I Speak? – just like with eating, it will take some time and practice before you can clearly enunciate your words when speaking, but you will be able to speak normally after the adjustment period.
  Are Dentures Worn 24 Hours a Day? – while you might keep your new dentures in place for the first 24 hours after installation, they should generally be taken out at night after that. This gives your gums a chance to rest, and it will be better for your overall oral health.
  Will Dentures Make Me Look Different? – your dentures may change your appearance, but in a positive way. If your mouth was previously empty, you may have developed a sunken, sagging look in the facial area. With dentures in place, your face will look normal, and you’ll look and feel much younger.

Schedule an Appointment in North Miami Beach Today

Dentures can be the ideal solution for people who have lost some or all of their teeth. If you’re interested in learning more about dentures, contact us at Mount Zion Dental in North Miami Beach today. We can arrange for an initial consultation and answer all your questions, so you can be one step closer to restoring your natural look, and being able to eat the foods you like, while also speaking normally again.

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Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (786) 565-5913 for clarity.





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